Green Hornet
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FORMAT: (1) MP3 DVD / (2) MP3 CDS
Classified as a juvenile crime drama but written and acted with more adult style than most of the breed, "The Green Hornet"---whose protagonist fought crime by infiltrating or even partnering (initially) with known criminal operations, which deceive police into believing him a wanted criminal himself---was the creation of George W. Trendle and Fran Striker, the brains and head writer behind "The Lone Ranger" (whose protagonist, according to storyline, was the great-uncle of Britt Reid, the heir who assumed control of the Daily Sentinel newspaper publisher and takes the crimefighting guise of the Green Hornet).
The show originated from Detroit WXZY in 1936 and was picked up for network broadcast by Mutual in 1938; NBC Blue Network (later ABC) picked up the show in 1939. "The Green Hornet" left radio as an actively-produced series in 1952, though reruns of several shows were known to have aired as late as 1954.
- Archive.org
Episode List
Accidents Will Happen
Bait For A Two Timer (6/6/1950)
Ballots and Bluff (1945.11.01)
Bid & Asked
The Big Mr Corry
Birds of a Feather
Black Market For Profit
The Boathouse Mystery (12/25/1945)
Broken Cigarette Stubs
Bus Accidents
Chain Of Evidence
Charity Takes It On The Chin
Check And Double Check
The Child Labor Racket
Circumstances Alter Cases
The Citizenship Racket
Classified Ad (1946.04.02)
Code for Sabotage
The Corpse That Wasn't There (1943.02.28)
Crandall And The Murder Ring
Death In The Dark
The Devil's Playground (1950.12.06)
Diplomatically Done
Disaster Rides The Rails
Doctor Moylans Patient
Dope Versus the War Effort
Double Play
Drops a Hint (1945.11.08)
Escape For Revenge (1946.01.29)
Face in the Television (1949.02.10)
Fake Accident Racket
The Female of the Species
The Figure In The Photograph
Fireworks for Smitty
Flames of Wrath
The Gas Pen
The Gas Station Protection Racket
Gentleman Jerry Meets His Match
Grand Larceny On Wheels
The Green Hornet (Al Hodge)
Guiseppe's Secret (12/1/1946)
The Highway Graft Wrote
Hit And Run
Hornet Baits A Trap
The Hornet Does It Again
The Hornet Drops A Hint
Hot Car Center (5/3/1949)
Hot Guns for Sale (9/6/1941)
Hot Money And Death
Insane And Able
Invasion Plans For Victory
Justice Wears A Blindfold
Katz With Nine Lives (11/15/1945)
Killer Carson (10/27/1946)
The Last Of Oliver Perry
Last Words Mean Sabotage
Liggit's Citizenship Racket (3/17/1938)
Madhouse Adventure
The Make-Believe Sheriff
Man Of Many Words (7/9/1946)
Man Wanted For What (6/14/1941)
A Matter Of Evidence (1/20/1948)
Matter Of Time (4/19/1949)
Money Talks Too Loud
Mr. Big's Drugstore Racket (10/20/1946)
Murder Across The Board
Murder And Espionage
Murder And The Dope Racket
Murder At The Market Fruitstand Racket
Murder For Mr X
Murder For Sale (1946.05.07)
Murder Masquerade
Murder Trips A Rat
Mystery in the Dentist's Office
Not One Cent For Tribute
Not So Smart
Oliver Perry (11/1/1949)
One for the Books
Paid In Full (1945.12.13)
A Pair Of Nylons (3/19/1946)
Parking Lot Racket
Paroled For Revenge
Paroles For Sale
Polarized Glasses
The Political Racket
Poor Substitutes for a Prison (2/1/1949)
Prelude To A Blood Bath
Pretenders To The Throne
The Prodigal Brother (11/3/1946)
Protection Incorporated
Put It On Ice
A Question Of Time (4/19/1949)
Quiz Program Clue (11/17/1946)
Racket On The River Gambling Racket
Racketeers in Gas Coupons
Reservoir For Murder
Reservoir Racket
Revenge For Melakim (6/25/1946)
The Road to Riches
The Road to Ruin (12/30/1948)
Ryders Writers Racket
Sabotage Finds A Name
The Sales Tax Racket (12/23/1939)
A Slip of the Lip (1942.05.23)
Smashing The Counterfeit Ring
Smoke Without
Smuggler Signs His Name
The Smuggling Racket (11/25/1939)
Snyder's Political Racket (5/5/1938)
A Soldier And His Dog
State's Witness (2/16/1947)
Story of a Dog
The Stuffed Panda (10/4/1945)
Superhighway Robbery (11/22/1945)
There Was A Crooked Man (5/23/1939)
Too Hot To Handle
Torpedo On Wheels
Touble Hits The Trolley
Turban of Jaipur
Underwater Adventure
Unexpected Meeting
Votes For Sale
Waiters Union Racket
Walkout For Profit
The Warped Book
Washington Story (1946.02.05)
When Money Talks
With Nine Lives
Woman In The Case
Words and Music
The Wrapped Book (10/13/1946)
Youth Takes The Headlines